Moved to Github Pages and Octopress

So, I was bored again with my current blogging framework and decided to move to Github Pages. I’ve made a couple of research and Octopress is apparently the way to go and is based on Jekyll. So how does one setup a Github Pages site with Octopress?

If you don’t have a Github account, do it!

  1. Create a repository with $
  2. Install git, ruby, bundle and rake.
  3. Make sure that your ruby version is 1.9.3. I’m currently using RVM.
  4. git clone git:// octopress
  5. cd octopress
  6. bundle install
  7. rake install
  8. rake setup_github_pages and enter your repository details
  9. Make sure that origin points to your local repository. You can double check with git remote -v
  10. Modify your _config.yml file
  11. rake generate
  12. rake deploy
  13. Wait for a couple of minutes and your blog will be up on
  14. To change your theme, go to the Octopress Themes page and follow the instructions.
  15. Once you’re done for the day, don’t forget to commit and push your changes with git push origin source

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