1 . Install JDK 7 or higher, Maven and GIT
2 . On your terminal, run git clone https://github.com/pugnusferreus/spring-rest.git
3 . In the spring-rest folder, run mvn -e jetty:run -Djetty.port=8080
4 . On your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/rest/someEndPoint
and you’ll get the following response {"key":"Hello from a manager!"}
I’ll not explain step by step on how to wire up all these since there are a dozen of articles on how to wire up a REST application with Spring 4. I’ll be highlighting on the things that we should be looking at.
1 . src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
basically tells your Java Web App on which spring context it should use and the URL pattern mapping. In this example, we want to configure all our REST calls with /rest/*.
2 . src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml
and src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/manager-context.xml
is where we declare our spring beans. I deliberately separate them up so that manager classes will be declared in the manager-context.xml.
3 . src/main/resources/log4j2.xml
is where we configure our logging. We’re using Log4J2 in this example. This XML tells LOG4J to log spring-rest.log and to the terminal console.
4 . pom.xml
is our Maven build file.
1 . com.progriff.managers.TestManager
is our manager class. We should always put our business logic in a manager class.
2 . com.progriff.controllers.TestController
is our controller. Note that there is an @Autowired
on top of the TestManager class. Spring will automatically wire up TestManager with TestController. Do note that your variable name must be the same as the bean id in the manager-context.xml file.
3 . In TestController, for each methods that are to be mapped to a URL, we’ll need @RequestMapping
and @ResponseBody
. You can set the REST URL path, Request Method and the Media Type that this REST will produce in the @RequestMapping annotation. Do note that when we return the java.util.Map in that method, Jackson will automatically convert the object into JSON.