How to Install Jekyll

This is my first blog post entry for Since this blog was made with Jekyll, I’ll walk you through how to setup a basic blog with Jekyll. Why Jekyll? Here are a couple of points I could think of :

  • It generates static pages for you.
  • You do not need a database in your server
  • You do not need a webserver (Apache, IIS, etc …)
  • Without all those mumbo jumbo on your server, your server will be more secure

Here’s how:

1 . First, install Jekyll


$ sudo gem install jekyll

2 . Then install rdiscount


$ sudo gem install rdiscount

3 . Make a directory. Let’s call it blog.


$ mkdir blog

$ cd blog</code></pre>

4 . Create the directory structure as of below.

        |-- _layouts
                `-- default.html
                `-- post.html
        |-- _posts
        |-- _site
        |-- css
        `-- index.html
        `-- _config.yml

5 . This is optional. If you need code syntax highlighting, you’ll need Pygment.


$ sudo easy_install Pygments

$ pygmentize -S default -f html &gt; /path/to/your/blog/css/pygment.css</code></pre>

6 . Take a look at the source for this blog and copy whatever you need.

7 . After you’re done, you want to preview your blog. In your terminal, type


$ jekyll —server —auto

8 . Go to your browser and go to “http://localhost:4000

9 . If you need to compile the pages without starting the server, just type “jekyll”

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